Childhood Trauma Psychologist Gold Coast

When you realise a childhood trauma is holding power over you and your ability to enjoy a fulfilling life, the idea of attending trauma counselling might come to mind. Psychological treatment may provide coping strategies for when trauma symptoms arise, and help you on your journey to trauma recovery.

When you have a psychotherapist dedicated to your childhood trauma therapy, you will begin to see and feel the healing process, allowing everyday life to unfold more easily.

Understanding Childhood Trauma

Trauma doesn't always stem from one big, terrible, traumatic event. A string of other events over a long stretch of time can also lead to trauma. We all perceive trauma subjectively and what might be significant for you will be different to others. That doesn't make it any less impactful to you. The reality is each person's journey with trauma is completely their own and unique.

Sometimes, bad memories might pop up without warning or in reaction to something specific. You might even notice that you've started avoiding certain situations or aren't able to do stuff you used to do, and that's because of these memory flashbacks.

Then there's the physical symptoms side of it, too. A perpetual state of being on edge, vague aches and pains, or simply feeling worn out all the time.

It's important to know that even as an adult you could be quietly dealing with some trickier side-effects of childhood traumatic experiences, and that might be the reason you've held off from reaching out for support till this moment. Perhaps there’s been emotional numbness or a chosen social isolation. 

At times, an unexpected thought or memory might pop into your head, throwing a wrench in your ability to focus. It's also possible you've noticed a kind of unrest within yourself - maybe you're yearning to shake off that low self-esteem and the emotional symptoms associated with it. You are looking to feel more self-assured, content, and trusting in your own skin with higher self esteem.

How a childhood trauma psychologist may help:

A childhood trauma psychologist may employ some of the following methods, to significantly aid in the healing process, helping adolescents and adults navigate their emotions, build resilience, and lead healthier, happier lives:

Therapy Sessions

  • Stand by you as you face the emotions and memories tied to your trauma.

  • Guide you in managing your trauma's effects, including troubling emotions, thoughts, or behaviours.

Skill-Building and Resilience

  • Coping Skills: Teaching coping strategies is essential for helping manage stress and regulate emotions effectively. These skills can be nurtured through various activities and techniques that can be used in our daily lives to deal with challenges and emotional upheaval.

  • Resilience Development: Building resilience is about helping develop the inner strengths and external supports necessary to recover from and adapt to life's difficulties. This process can be fostered through a combination of encouragement, guidance and opportunities that promote our well-being and personal growth.

Monitoring Progress

  • Regular Check-ins: Continuously monitoring the client’s progress and adjusting treatment plans as needed.

  • Long-Term Follow-Up: Offering long-term support to address any recurring issues or new challenges as time goes by.

Community Resources

  • Connecting to Resources: Linking the client and sometimes their family members with community resources such as support groups, recreational activities and other therapeutic services.

Attachment therapy treatment

Attachment style therapy is a type of talk therapy designed to help individuals heal from the effects of early childhood trauma. This therapy can be particularly beneficial for those who have experienced trauma or attachment disruptions and find it challenging to build healthy relationships.

Does a traumatic event always lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

PTSD, short for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a kind of stress that comes on after going through something really confronting, be it soon after or a bit down the line, often more than six months later. It's born out of seriously out-of-the-blue and tough events. These traumatic events could be anything from physical or sexual assault, emotional abuse, natural disasters that Mother Nature throws our way, serious accidents, or the harsh realities of war and military life.

What is considered to be complex trauma?

Complex trauma refers to repeated exposure to multiple, often deeply intrusive and interpersonal, traumatic events. This type of complex trauma is often established in the early years, from childhood abuse or other causes. This includes severe and widespread experiences such as abuse or significant neglect, and can often occur very early on in life. The impact of these complex trauma experiences is extensive and long-lasting.

Gold Coast Childhood Trauma Psychologist

Use the best evidence-based approaches with an experienced childhood trauma psychologist in Broadbeach, Gold Coast. Find a supportive space to confront the effects of trauma, develop coping mechanisms and start leading a meaningful life where your traumatic memories are no longer in control because you have a toolbox of coping skills at the ready. All funding methods are accepted at Jeffers Psychology.