Psychologist for Depression and Anxiety Gold Coast

It is perfectly normal for us as humans to go through phases of having a low mood or feeling highly stressed, but at what point and how do we know when it's time to seek support. Depression is more than a low mood, and anxiety is more than feeling stressed. Research suggests that depression and anxiety can get in the way of living a normal life.

At Jeffers Psychology, a depression and anxiety therapist in Broadbeach, Gold Coast, we are able to delve into any mental health problems that are provoking panic attacks or major depression. Our psychotherapist is highly trained in effective treatments for adolescent clients and adult clients who are struggling to cope without psychological support.

Mental health problems can approach us slowly or seem to lurch out of nowhere. They may be brought on by stressful life events, trauma or something you can’t even put your finger on.  Spending time with a psychologist for depression and anxiety might be the most rewarding decision you take for your mental health and personal well-being. A psychologist acts as your guide, helping you recognise and understand your depression. 

Understanding anxiety disorders

Anxiety is a common emotional state that everyone experiences at various points in their life. It involves feelings of fear and apprehension which, if persistent and extreme, can cause significant interference with daily life and trigger behavioural changes.

It's important to note that the prevalence of serious anxiety disorders among adults is quite high, indicating the severity of this issue. A significant number of adults will encounter major anxiety complications at some point in their lives.

Phobias are one common form of anxiety disorders, and these involve an irrational, intense fear of certain situations, objects or activities. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder where persistent thoughts, images or impulses intrude on the person, who then performs repetitive actions that seem out of their own control.

Psychological treatments, including methods such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), have proven quite effective in managing and alleviating anxiety-related problems. Acknowledging, understanding and treating anxiety disorders are vital steps towards improving mental health and life quality.

Connect with Hannah, an experienced anxiety disorder therapist on the Gold Coast.

Recognising depression and when to seek help

Understanding when to seek help for depression can feel overwhelming. When life's problems begin to pile up and interfere with your daily activities, it can signal the onset of depression. It's important to remember that dealing with it isn't as simple as enjoying the small things in life while putting on a brave face. Many individuals struggling with depression often don't recognise the need for medical intervention until years into their journey. However, it's important to note that the path to recovery becomes much smoother with timely intervention.

Occasional sadness or mood swings are a part of life. However, depression is a deeper, prolonged feeling of sadness or a sense of emptiness that can last weeks, months or even years. It's a serious mental health condition demanding due attention and care.

Depression isn't just about feeling blue; it encompasses a vast array of more severe symptoms that can disrupt your day-to-day life and relationships. Depression episodes, albeit relatively rare, can effectively be managed with the right treatment. Symptoms can range from irregular appetite and sleep patterns to constant feelings of anxiety, worry or negative thoughts.

When assessing a client, a psychologist will consider various factors that could be affecting their daily life. It is uncommon to pin down a single cause of depression. Your mental health is crucial and understanding these signs is the first step to seeking help and getting started on a journey toward recovery.

Understanding The Quiet Signals of Depression

Depression can manifest in numerous ways, and it might not always be immediately recognisable. The signs might be subtle, atypical, or persistently present without showing any signs of improvement. It's essential to remain vigilant and acknowledge these changes, whether in ourselves or in those close to us.

Depression can alter behaviour, thoughts, emotions and even physical health. Here are some possible indications that may hint towards depression:

Physical Wellbeing Alterations:

  • Persistent fatigue or lethargy, despite ample sleep.

  • Sleep pattern changes - either insomnia or oversleeping.

  • Changes in appetite - either diminished or increased, leading to altered eating habits.

  • Increased frequency of headaches and migraines.

Behavioural Changes:

  • Becoming uncharacteristically snappy or irritable.

  • Declining social interactions, isolation, and lack of response to messages and calls.

  • Struggling with completing regular school or work assignments.

  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable hobbies or activities.

  • Increased forgetfulness.

  • Difficulty in concentrating, such as struggling to watch TV shows or read books.

  • Easily moved to tears or crying more than usual.

Changes in Emotions:

  • Frequent feelings of sadness or emptiness.

  • Feeling lonely, frustrated or irritable.

  • Feeling overwhelmed and lacking self-confidence.

  • Constant guilt, even for minor actions or those unrelated to them.

Shifts in Thought Patterns:

  • Negative thinking, such as feeling worthless or hopeless.

  • Having consistent thoughts that others might be better off without them.

  • Perpetual anticipation of unfortunate events.

Recognising these symptoms can be the first step towards seeking help and starting the journey towards healing. Remember, it's okay to ask for help and there are always resources available to support you through this.

Treatment options for depression or anxiety

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) brings about enduring transformations that can reduce the likelihood of experiencing depression in the future. It equips individuals to reshape unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that could potentially escalate into depression, and its aim is to foster skills necessary for managing depression in an sustainable manner. 

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), with its blend of mindful meditation and cognitive-behavioural techniques, is purposed to diminish the risk of depression returning. Mindfulness meditation encourages individuals to stay in the present, without attempting to judge or change their experiences. MBCT has been found to be successful in precluding major depressive disorder relapse, and some research suggests its potential in efficiently treating depression as well.

Life-Changing Reasons to Speak to a Psychotherapist

When facing the challenges of depression and anxiety, seeking help from a psychotherapist can be a pivotal step towards recovery. Hannah is trained to understand the complexities of anxiety and depression and provides a safe space where individuals can explore their thoughts and feelings. 

Tailored support

Dealing with a low mood, anxiety and depression, panic disorder or even mental illness such as bipolar disorder will have a direct effect on every aspect of a person’s life. It may disrupt daily routines, create sleep problems, and hinder personal and professional growth. Just as symptoms are complex,  every person’s journey and treatment needs are also different. As a psychotherapist, Hannah uses a range of treatment approaches that are tailored to each person’s needs. As a professional depression and anxiety therapist, she works with evidence-based treatments that foster a path towards mental well-being.

Enhanced Relationships

Anxiety and depression can strain a person’s relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Psychotherapy not only helps individuals address their own mental health issues but also equips them with the tools to improve their interpersonal relationships. As a depression and anxiety disorder therapist, Hannah will provide guidance on effective communication, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation, which are essential skills for maintaining healthy and supportive relationships.


A partnership is crucial for achieving long-lasting mental health benefits. As a trusted psychologist for anxiety and depression, Hannah uses healing psychotherapy and therapeutic techniques in a safe, comfortable setting but knows that the journey can take time. Regular sessions and active participation can lead to significant improvements in managing anxiety and depression. Hannah will work collaboratively with clients to set realistic goals and track progress over time. 

Making contact is the first step

Hannah is located at Broadbeach on the Gold Coast and is an experienced psychologist for anxiety and depression. If you are ready to talk with a mental health professional in an accessible, comfortable environment, book in today. All funding methods are accepted at Jeffers Psychology.